List of Tamil words in Hindi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Hindi language
DR. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Hindi or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken chiefly in the Hindi Belt region encompassing parts of northern, central, eastern, and western India. Hindi has been described as a standardised and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language, which itself is based primarily on the Khariboli dialect of Delhi and neighbouring areas of North India. Hindi, written in the Devanagari script, is one of the two official languages of the Government of India, along with English. It is an official language in 9 states and 3 union territories and an additional official language in 3 other states. Hindi is also one of the 22 scheduled languages of the Republic of India.
Hindi is the lingua franca of the Hindi Belt. It is also spoken, to a lesser extent, in other parts of India (usually in a simplified or pidginised variety such as Bazaar Hindustani or Haflong Hindi). Outside India, several other languages are recognised officially as "Hindi" but do not refer to the Standard Hindi language described here and instead descend from other dialects, such as Awadhi and Bhojpuri. Such languages include Fiji Hindi, which has an official status in Fiji, and Caribbean Hindustani, which is spoken in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname. Apart from the script and formal vocabulary, standard Hindi is mutually intelligible with standard Urdu, another recognised register of Hindustani as both share a common colloquial base.
As a linguistic variety, Hindi is the fourth most-spoken first language in the world, after Mandarin, Spanish and English. Hindi alongside Urdu as Hindustani is the third most-spoken language in the world, after Mandarin and English.

Clues to read Hindi Words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Hindi word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; The Oxford Hindi English dictionary;
English- Hindi- Tamil
*1. number/ figure/ point in a game - ank- ennikkai
* embrace- ank- anaikka
* embrace- ang- anaikka
* put on [ cloths] - ang- anika
* join/ in marriage- ang- inaika ; nikkah . feel shame- ang- naanam maaka
*7. valuing /appraising – ankan- ennikkai kaana/ to count/to number; kanikka-value.
*8. numbered- ankit- ennikkai itathu
9.a small stone- amkrauri -munn kar; munn- sand; kar- stone
10.a ball- anta –panthu
*11. bundle- amtiya- moottai
12.mother- amba- amma
13.water- ambu – ayam
*14. unspoken- a kathit- kathaiththidaatha ; kathiththathu- said.
15.without stain- akalank- kalankkam inmai ; kalankkam- stain; inmai- without .
16.spotless- akalankata- kalankkam kidaiya ; kidaiyathu- without; kalankkam- stain.
17.without family- a kula- kulam illai ; kulam- family; illai- nil ; letter ‘l’is read more than once .
18.not to be eaten – akhadya- kdaiththida kooddathu ; kadi- eat; koodaathu - do not
*19.un counted- a ganit –kaniththidaathu
20.having no shelter- a gatik- kottakai kidaiya; kottakai / shelter; kidaiyaa- without; letters are read more than once.
*21.chief/ leader - agla- kizhan
22.generation/ descendants- agla- kilai/ branch; kulam/ family; kaal vazhi / lineage; ka= va; va= ka.
23.border/ garment- acra –karai obstruct- atkana- thadukkanum stick- atkana- ottuka
26.hesitation – atak- thayankka
27.obstruction-atkav- thadai idukavae / to block
28.prevention- atkav- thadukkavae
**29. grove /forest- atavi- adavi
*30. a sheet- atti- yaedu
31.upper room- atari- maaddi arai ; room- arai; maadi- storey.
*32. un broken- atut- udaiyaathu
*33. pushed about- athel- thallu / push place- adda-idam
*35. minute/atom - anu- nunniya/ nano
36.not given- a datt- thanthidaathu
*37. un punished- a dand- thandiththidu / to punish; thandiththidaathu / unpunished.
*38. to increase- adhika- yaeththuka
39. to control / ruler/ authority/ official - adhikar- adakkuthar /to control
*40. down/ below- adho- adiyae
*41. read/ studied- adhit-oaathidu
*42. un counted- anginat- ennikkai kaanathu
43.not thought of- ancita- ennidaathu
44.unperforated/ un pierced- anbedha- poththidaathu
*45. fire/ flame - anal – anal
*46.end/ tip- ani- nuni; munai.
*47. incomparable- an upa mey- oppumai inmai ; inmai- without ; oppumai- comparison.
48.wet nurse- anna- annai/ mother
*49. food- ann- uoon; annam.
* ann- aan
51.wrong path- a path- theeya paathai; theeya- bad; paathai- path
52.later- apar- pinnaar; appuram.
*53. looking for- apeksa- paakka
* present time - ab- eppo
55.eye brow- abru- puruvam
*56. father- abba- appa
*57.not divided- a bhakt- pakuththidaathu; pakuththidu- to divide.
*58. fearlessness- abhiti- peethi inmai;peethi- fear; inmai- without .
*59.not intoxicated – a matt –matai adiththidaathu
*60. immortal- a mar- maraiyaa
*61. immortal- a martya –maraiyaathu
*62. paradise- a mar- marumai
63.without measure- a matra- maaththirai inmai; inmai- without; maaththirai- mesure.
*64. root less- a mul- mulai illai; illai- without; mulai- root.
*65. mother- amma- amma
66.roar- arrhat- urumidu
67.sun- arun- naayiru; letters are in reversed order.
68.wealth- arth- thiru; letters are in reversed order.
69.meaning- arth –karuththu
70.prosperity- arth- seeradaiya
71.throne- ars- aroi anai; ari- lion; anai- seat /pillow
72.delivered/ offered- arpit- oppadaiththar ; letters are jumbled. wail- allana- azhanum
* accept- avadhar- voththuiduthar
75.stupidity- a vidya- viththai inmai ; inmai- without; viththai- knowledge .
*76. un achieved- a siddh- adaiyaathu; saathithidaathu .
*77. without content- a sara-saaram inmai ; saaru- essence; inmai- without.
* fire/ a weapon- astra- suduthar /to fire; yeithar /arrow.
*70. self/ego- aham- akam
*71. pond- ahri- yaeri
* fold/ cloth- amt- madi
*73. joint- amt- mutti
*74. collusion- amt- moatha
*75. knot- amthi- mudi
76.nodule- amthi- mundu
77.nipple- amthi- madi /breast/ lap
*78. confused- akul- kuzhappa
* dry- ag- kaaya
*80. very hot/ season - ag- kaaya incite anger/jealousy - ag- kaaya
* suffer pangs of hunger- ag- kaaya
*83. arrived- agat- yaekida
*84. house- agar- koorai akam / hut
*85. a blow- aghat- kuththu
86.injury- aghat- kaayam adaiya ; kaayam- injury; adaiya- to have.
*87. killing- aghat- kaathu
88.spiritual guide/ professor-acarya- aasiriyar / teacher
89.paternal grandfather- aja- iyanin iyan /achchan / father’s father ; iyan- father ; achchan- father.
90.paternal grandmother- aji- iyanin annai / aachchi ; iyan- father; aachchi- grandmother.
91.command/ order- ajna- aanai
*92. meal- ata- uootti ; theettai ; theeni .
93.flour- ata –idiththa maa; maa- flour; idi- to pound.
* grind/ pound- ata- aattu; idi.
*95. covering- ar- urai atisi-thee
*97. distressed- atur- thuyar ura
98.respect- adar- mathiththar ; ennuthar .
99.half- adah – paathi
100.first- adim – motha; letters are in reversed order.
101.base/ foundation- adhar- adi tharai ;adi- under; tharai- floor. adhar- muttu thara /to support
103.settled place- abadi- patti
* ami- maa
105.cowherd- abhir- aayar near a mountain- amalak- malai akam ; malai- mountain; akam- village.
107. income- aye –aayam
*108.nurse- aya- aaya/ mother
109. prepared - ayita- padiththathu ;seiththathu.
110.arms- ayudh-padai ornament for forehead-ar- aaram/ necklace
*112.spoke- ar – aarai; aaram.
* saw-ar- aru
*114.small saw-ar- ari
115.enemy- arati –ethiri; letters are in reversed order.
* mount – aroh- yaeru
*117.mounted- arohit- yaeridu
* al- il
* alay -il alam- gnaalam -ala- nalla
*122.tool- ala- uli come- av- vaa; letters are in reversed order.
*124.sound/ noise- avaz- voasai
*125.residing- avasika- vasikka
*126.covered- avrt- urai ittathu; urai- cover.
127.resting place- asay- saaya /to rest
128.seated- asin- saayanum / to take rest
129.blessing- asirvad- seer vudaiya; ser- prosperity; udaiya-has ;seeroadu iru .
130.refuge- asray- saera /to reach /join; saranam .
131.association- a sang- onnaaku /to become one /to gather.
*132.asset- asti- soththu
* ahar- irai
134.made joy- a hladit- kaliththidu
135.causing joy- a hladak- kaliththiduka ik- ennikkai onnu ; onnu- one; ennikkai- numerical number.
*137.collected/ gathered together- ikattha- koottiyathu
* collect- ikattha- koottu
139.envy/ jealousy- ikkas- kaaya
140.other-itar- mattra; ithara.
* worship- ibadat- paadidu
141.region- ilaqa- kizhalai ; letters are in reversed order.
* inghe- inkkae
*143.spear/ lance- ithi- eetti
*144.addition- izad- saeththidu /to add
*145.created- ijad- seithathu/ made
146.looking at- iksan –kann kaana ;kann- eye; kaana- to look. astrologer- iksanik –kanakkan ; kanakku- calculation.
148.presenting a gift- isar- seer / riches destroy- ukatna- kedukkanum dig up –ukatna - kendanum cut out- ukatna – kaathanum abuse- ukatna- kadinthidu ; letters are jumbled.
*153.spoken- ukti- kathaiththathu
*154.speech/ language- ukti- kathaippu
*155.story- ukti- kathai
*156.break off- ukhat- koattu/ break
*157.production- ugat- aakkiyathu / made
158.filed of sugar cane- ukhari- karumpu
*159.high/ upper- ucc- uchchi
160.uttered/ pronounced - uc carit- sor edu; sor uraiththidu; sor- word; edu-take; uraiththidu /utter; uchchariththidu / pronounce
161. light - ujala- oli guess at- utak- enniduka
163.flying- urant- paranthida to fly- uraka -parakka/ fly
165.Oriya language- Uriya –urai/ speak
* utar – thurai
*167.following/ subsequent– uttar-thodarum ; thodara / to follow .
168.produce- ut patti- padaiththidu /create; letters are jumbled.
169.produced- ut padit -padaiththathu /created; letters are jumbled.
170.produced- ut panni- panniyathu; letters are jumbled.
171.a spring- uts- uooththu
172.pouring of water / funeral right- udak- uooththuka/ pour
173.holding water- uda dhi- thanni udaiya ; thanni- water; udaiya- has.
174.disclosed/ revealed- ut ghatit- eduththu kaattu
*175.similarity – upa ma- oppumai
* deliver- udhar- eedaettru ; thara / give .
*177.title- uphadi- pattam
*178.diploma certificate- uphadhi – pattayam
* uphadhi – pattam; padippu.
*180.breast/ heart- ur- uran / uram /breast ; uyir/ soul .
*181.owl- uluk- vallookam
*182.drowsiness- umgh/umghana –mayakkam / mayankkanum
*183.mortar- udukkala- idi -k-kal; idi- pound; kal- stone. udes- thaedu
*185.foreign- upari- puram ; pura .
*186.outer- upari- puram ; pura .
187.united/ together - ek- onnaaka
*188.crow- ek- kaakka
*189.assembling- ekatr-kooduthar
*190.small boat- ektha- kadaththu / boat /ferry
191.withdrawn-ekanti- othunkki ; letters are in reversed order.
*192.cardamom- ela- yaelam
*193.vomiting- ok-kakka / to eject out akam
*195.a hut- obri- purai
*196.end/ limit- or- eeru
197.woven- ot- neitha
198.gain- ot- ettam ; eettu/ to gain .
199.lip-osth- uthadu
200.stones- kankar- karunkkar / blue metals; letters are jumbled.
201.bracelet- kankan- kankkanam/ armlet
202.neck- kanth- kandam; odunkkiya/narrow; letters are in reversed order.
203.necklace- kanthi- kandikai
*204.armpit- kaks- kakkam of a river- kacher- karai
* colour/ black- kajra- karu
* peck- katka- koththuka
* enclosed inhabited place- katra- koattai uoor; koattai- fort; uoor- village /city. be killed/ to be cut off- katna- kaathanum
*210.biting- katau- kadi /bite
211.knife- katni- kaththi
212.waist- kati- kadi; kadi thadam .
213.girdle- kati- idai kattu ; letters are jumbled. /area- kati- pakuthi ; letters are in reversed order.
*215.small dagger- kateri – kuththu koadari
*216.harsh- katu –kadumai ; kodiya .
*217.bitterness- katuta- kaiththida
*218.vessel/ wood - katiya – kattai kudam ; kudam- pot ; letters are read more than once
*219.strong/ hard- katta- kadina
*220.wood- kath- kattai
*221.wooden platter- kathiya- kattai thattu; kattai- wood; thattu- plate.
*222.wooden tub- katha uti- kattai thotti; thotti- tank.
223.wooden bowl- katha uti- kattai kadi; kattai- wood; kadi- bowl.
224.difficult- kathin- kadinam
*225.wrist ring/bracelet - kara- kai kaarai ; kai- hand.
*226.angry- karva- karuva
227.repeated/ continuous cracking loud sounds- karakar –kara kara
228.vessel for butter milk- khada veni- vennai kadaiyim kudam ; letters are read more than once; vennai- butter; kadaiya- to churn; kudam- pot.
* kadai
230.small straw basket- katni- koodai/ basket
*231.cutting- katar- kaathuthar
*232.scissors- katarni –kaththari
*233.clipping- katra- kaththari/ to clip
*234.drop/ liquid-qatra- kottuthar
* tell-kath- kathai compose poem-kath- kathai paattu kattu; kathai- story; paattu- song; kattu- to compose; letters are rad more than once.
* reproach- kath- kadi
*238.knife-katti- kaththi
239.murderer-qattal- kaathiya aal; kaathu- murder; aal- person.
*240.murder/killing- qatl- kaathuthal
241.fine linen cloth- katen- kottai thuni ; kottai- cotton ;thuni- cloth
*242.kind/ type- qata- koottam
243.cost for spinning- katai- koodu katta kattanam; letters are read more than once; koodu katta- to spin; kattanam- cost.
* katha-kathai ; sankathi .
*245.tale- katha –kathai
*246.conversation- katha- kathaippu
248.classical dance- katha kali –kooththu kali; kooththu- play ; kali- enjoy/to play .
*249.uttered- kahit- kathiththida
*250.defective- kad- kaedu
*252.trouble- kad- kaedu
*253.wicked- kad- ketta ; kodiya .
254.avaricious- kad- kattaani /avaricious person
*255.useless/poor quality grain- kad- koathu
256.destroying- kadan- kaedaana / destroyed
*257.crowd- kadamb-koottam
*258.banana- kadali –kathali / a kind of banana
* kanya- kanni
*260.little/ few- kam- kammi
261.blacksmith- kamar- karumar ; letters are jumbled.
*262.workman- kamera- kammiyar ; root word is kam= aakkam/ production .
263.doer/ maker- kar- aakkukiravar / make; aakku- make; ka= va; va= ka.
*264.deduction- karda- kuraiththidu
265.guard- qaraval-kaaval kaarar/ a guard; letters are jumbled; kaaval- protection.
* kariya- karu
267.blemished/ disgraced- kalankit –kalankkam udaiya ; udaiya- has; azhukku/ dirt= kalankkam/ blemish ; letters are in reversed order.
268.pen/ painter’s brush- qalam – mai kole ; mai- ink; kole- stylus ;letters are jumbled.
*269.waterpot- kalsa- kalan ; kalayam .
*270.a rounded ball- kalsa- koalam
*271.quarrel- kalah- kalaham ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’. kala- kalai
273.flower bud- kali- mukizh kalisa-
* kalol- kaelal
276.want- kasr-kurai
277.fault- qasur- kurai
*278.cawing of crows- kaga- kaa kaa
*279.crow- kag- kaakka
* destroy- kat- kedu
*281. pungency- kat- kaattu
282.separation- kat- kavadu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*283.slice- kat- kaathu
284.section- kat- kavadu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*285.damage- kat- kaedu
*286.loss- kat- kaedu
*287.cut- kat- koattu ;vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
288.remove/ delete- kat- neekkidu
*289.carve- katna- koththanum
*290.stinging- katu-koththu; kadi/ bite. become dry- katu – kaainthida
*292.body- kathi – kattai
*293.buffalo- kara- kaaraa
*294.buffalo- kadda- kedaa/ he buffalo
*295.distressed- katar- kaedu ura eyed- kana- kann onnu ; kann- eye; onnu- one.
*297.sexual desire- kam- kaamam ; kaaya- hot.
* kam- kammiyam root word is aakkam/ production.
*299.saying- qayl- kuyilu
300.rule/ law - qayda- kattu paadu
*301.body- kaya- yaakkai ; kaayam
302.cause/ means/ instrument -karan- karuvi yaana / instrumental
*303.time/ season- kal- kaalam
304.death- kal- kazhiya / passed
305.messenger of death- kal- kaalan
306.spending time- kal- kaalam kazhiya
307.eternal- kal- ekkaalmum
308.cell/ solitary room- kal- kaaval/ prison
* of the snake in the river Jumna- kali – kaal ili /without leg; kaal- leg; illai- without.
310.peak- kastha- koadu; mukadu .
311.mark/ limit- kastha- koththam / limit; kaattai/ limit; kaadu/ limit.
*312.coughing- kas- kakka ;kaasam /sputum.
*313. little- kincit- konjoandu
314.a piece- qid- kandi
* cut into pieces- kirca- keeru / cut; keeruka.
*316.bud/ sprout- killa- kilai
*317.large earthenware vessel- kunda- kundaan
*318.door fastening staple- kunda- kondi
*319.a pool- kund- kundu
*320.stone pot- kundi –kundaan
*321spear/ lance- kunt-kuntham
322.well- kuam- koovam ; ka= va; va= ka. kukur—kukkuran ; root word is kuraikka- to bark.
*324.pounded- kutvana- kuththa vaenum
*325.pounding- kutai- kuththu
*326.price for pounding- kutai- kuththu kattanam; kattanam- cost; letters are read more than once.
327.cottage- kuti- kottakai ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
328.hut- kuti- kudi; kudisai ; kudi sei; sei- make; kudi- hut.
329.hut- kutir- kuderam ; letters are jumbled.
330.hut- kuri- koorai akam ; akam- house;
*331.granary-kuthiyar- kuthir
*332.axe- kuthari- koadari jump- kudakna- kuthikkanum
*334.jump- kudai- kuthi
*335.rotting-kuthra- keduthar
336.heap- kup- kuvippu; ka- va; va= ka.
*337.angered- kupit- kopa pada; root word is kaaya .
*338.pickaxe- kudali- kunthaali; koadali /axe
339.water lilly- kumud-kaya yaedakam ; kayam- water; yaedakam- flower ; letters are jumbled; kaya poo mottu ; mottu- bud; poo- flower.
340.lotus- kamala – kaya mukulam ; letters are jumbled. mukulam- bud ; kaya malli ; kayam- water.
*341.lady- kuriya- kaarikai ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
*342.tribe- kul- kulam
* house – kul- kulam
*344.lineage- kul – kaal vazhi ; kilai ; ka= va; va= ka.
*345.potter- kulal- kulaalan ; root word is kalan / pot.
*346.cap- kulah- kullaai ; root word is kalan / skull. cream- qulfi-inippu pani koozh ; letters are jumbled; pani- ice; koozh/ liquid ; inippu- sweet .
348.good family- kulin- nalla kulam; nalla- good; kulam- family; letters are jumbled. stream-kulya- kaal vaai; ka= va; va= ka.
*350. peak / summit- kut- koadu; mukadu .
* kuvalay- kuvalayam
* water lily- kuvalay-kuvalai
353.happy- kusal- kali; kalippu.
*354.hole- kuhar-koarai
*355.dirt- kura- karai
*356.lake- kul-kulam
*357.flag- ketu- kodi
358.sexual intercourse- keli- kalavu ; ka= va; va= ka.
359. chief police officer of the city- kotaval- kaval koodam/ police station; letters are jumbled; kudi kaavalan- police man; kaavalan- police; kudi- village/ town.
360.confinement/ imprisonment/ capture - qaid- kottadi / prison; adaikka/ imprison; letters are in reversed order.
361.prisoner- qaid- kaithi ; root word is kottadi / prison
*362.end/ point- koti- koadi
363.small fort- kotla- koattai koththalam ;koattai- fort; koththalam – sentry point.
364.hollow- kotar –kudaithar / to make hollow
*365.fort- kot- koattai
* cuckoo-kokil/ koyl - kuyil; root word is kooval /cry /shout.
*367.a large room- kotha- koodam / hall
*368.square/game board- kotha- kattam
*369.a brothel- kotha- kooththiya / dancer/ pros
*370.angle- kon- koanam
*371.anger- kop- kopam; root word is kaaya .
*372.anger- koh- kaaya
373.stomach- kothla- kudal/ intestine
374.weaver- kori- kaarukar
* hollow out- kol- kuzhi aakku ; kuzhi- hollow; aakku- make; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
*376.narrow lane- koliya –akalul
*377.vegetables- koyar-kaai kari
*378.Hindu community of weavers-koli- kai kolan ; kai- hand; kole- stick ; Senkunthar community .
379.constipation- kosth- kutha kattu ; kutham- rectum ; kattu- block .
*380.hump- kuhan- koon
381.moon light/ night lotus kumatha - kau mudi- ; mathi- moon; kaaya- to shed light ; kaya poo mottu ; kayam- water; poo- flower; mottu- bud.
* eat- kaur – kori /gnaw
*383.a border- kyari-karai
*384.weeping – krandan- karainthidanum
385.angry- krodhit- karuvida ; ka= va; va= ka.
386.a moment- ksan/ khan – kanam ; root word is kann imaikka; kan- eye; imaikka- wink .
*387.tuberculosis- ksay- kaasam ; root word is kakka / to cough .
*388.a planet- khagol- koalam rattle- khatakna- kada kadannu
*390.rattling- khatka- kada kadakka ; letters are read more than once.
*391.bed- khat- kidakkai / cot; letter ‘ka’ is read more than once; root word is kidakka/ to lie down.
*392.bed- khatola- kattil/ cot; root word is kidaththal/ to lie down
393.clatter/ noise- khat- kada kada ; letters are read more than once.
*394.wife and family -khatla- kudi illaal; kudi- family; illal- wife.
* spoil- khatai- kedu
*396.mistake/ fault- khata- kuththam
*397.danger- khatra- kaedu tharum
*398.line/ mark- khat- koadu
* dig- khanati/ khanta – kendu
*400.a letter- khat- kaditham
401.2nd varna of Indo Aryan society – Ksatriya-koottaththaar /army
402.hollow- khadda- kudaiya /to make hollow
403.a pass- khadd- Kadavu; ka= va; va= ka.
404.confusion- khalbal- kuzhappam ulla ;kuzhappam- confusion; ulla- having. / to be eaten-khadya – kondi ; kai thodu /eat ; kai- hand; thodu- touch.
*406.thick coarse cotton cloth- khadi- koadi thuni
*407.lord/ prince/ title of Pathans - khan- koan
*408.saltiness- khar- karippu
*409.saltiness- kharipan- karippaana
410.mange/an itch - kharis- karappaan
*411.hoarseness/ throat- kharis- kara karappu ; letters are read more than once.
*412.moat- khal- akazhi
*413.empty- khali-kaali
*414.sound of laughter-khil khil - kala kala
415.husband- khavind- kondavan; letters are jumbled.
*416.sportsman- khilari- kaelar
*417.parched grain /rice- khil- koolam
418.farmer who owns his land- khud- kudiyaanavan ; ka= va; va= ka.
*419.lines- khutut- koadu udaiya ;koadu- line; udaiya- has.
*420.kind of ear ring- khutila- kaathu oalai ; konthalam ; - kaathu kumizh ; kaathu – ear ; kumizh- stud.
*421.pecking- khutak- koththuka
*422.pecking- khut- koththu
* be carved- kadna- koththanum
*424.carver- khati- koththan ; koththu/ carve .
425.a gap- khuddi- idukku ; letters are in reversed order.
*426.excavating- khudai- kudaiya
*427.carving- khudai- koththu
428.cause to be engraved- khudana- koththanum
*429.the foot/ leg of a bed- khur- kaar khurak- korikka/ eatables/snacks
431.opening- khulai –neekkal kill- khan- konnu
433.harvest- khat- kaathu / cut; vettu/ cut; ka= va; va= ka.
*434.small village- khata- kudi ; kudi kaadu; letters are read more than once.
*435.small village- khera- kurichchi
436.village- khetak – kudi kaadu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
437.shield- ketaka- kaedayam ; kiduku- skin .
*438.field- khet- koattam
439.battle field- khet- katchchi
*440.a trough- khel- akazhi
441.fisherman- khevat-koa vaedan
442.young bullock- khaila –kaalai
443.bird’s nest- komta- koodu
*444.something hollow- khokhla –kuzhiyaa
445.bad- khota- ketta ; kettathu .
*446.fraud- khot- koathaattu
*447.falsehood- khot- kattu
448.coconut shell/ skull- khopri / khopra—kopparai ; periya kaai ; letters are jumbled; periya- big; kaai- coconut.
*449.small room- kholi- kaal
*450.cavity/ hollow- khol- kuzhi
451.cloth- khol- maekalai
*452.eating- khor- kori/ gnaw
*453.large metal vessel- gan kal- kanima kalan ; kanimam- metal; kalan- vessel.
454.a knot-ganda- kattu
455.water pot- gagri- karakam ; letters are jumbled.
456.sound of gulping- gat- kada kada
457.hard lump- gatta- katti
458.large seed- gatta- kottai; vithai; ka= va; va= ka.
459.wrist joint- gatta- mani kattu
460.anger- gazap-kaaya ; koapa .
461.bracelet- gajra- kai kaarai; kai- hand. bundle together- gathri- kattu kattuthar ; kattu- bunger; kattuthar- to bundle.
* bundle up- gathiyana- kattu kattanum
*464.small bundle-gatthi- kattu / bundle
*465.bundle- gadd- kattu
*466.bunch- gadd- koththu
*467.collection- gadd- koottam/ kuttam ; koatti.
468.pack / of cards- gadd- seettu kattu
469.heap- gadd- kuttam; kuviththidu; ka= va; va= ka.
* gathan –kattanum / to construct; kattu maanam /construction
* come together- gathna- koodanum
*472.cause to be joined- gathvena- kooda vaenum
473.cause to be fastened- gathvena- katta vaenum
474.manner of structure- gathv- kattu amaivu ; kattu /structure ; kattu amaippu/ structure .
*475.well-built of a person- gathila- kattu udal; udal- body.
*476.hole- garha- koarai
477.shepherd- gareriya- koanaar
*478.calculating- ganak- kanakku kaana ; kanikka.
*479.counting/ calculating- gana- kani ; ennuka ; letters are in reversed order.
*480.dancing girl/ prostitute- ganika- kanikai
481.astronomy-ganit – vaan kanitham ; ka= va; va= ka; vaan kanakkidu ; kanakkidu – calculation ; vaanai kaniththidu .
482.maths- ganit- enn kanakkidu ; letters are jumble; kaniththidu ; enn- numerical num,ber; kanakkidu /to calculate
*483.gone- gat- yaekida
484.a type of song and its accompaniment- gat - kathai paattu ;kathai- story ;paattu- song.
* beat- gat- kottu
* dance to music- gat- kooaaththadu /dance do last rites- gat- kadan / rites
* as offered by god -gati -kaaththida / protect
*489.means- gati- kaattu
490.period of time- gati- kidakkai
491.shelter- gati- thikku ; othukku ; letters are in reversed order.
*492.manner- gati- kathai ;kadan .
*493.ending- gat- kadaisi
494.disease- gad- kidai paadu
* gada- kattai
496.beggar- gada- kai yaenthi ; kai- arm; yaenthu- to hold.
497.crowbar- gadela- koonthaali
498.traitor- gaddar- kaedar ; kaatti koduppoar ; letters are rad more than once..
* put a bandage- gaddi- kattu idu ; kattu kattu; letters are read more than once.
*500.bandage- gaddi- kattu
501.large bundle of paper- gaddi- kaakitha kattu ; kaakitham- paper; letters are read more than once.
*502.donkey- gaddi- kaththai
*503.estimate- gani- kani
504.coarse sacking/ gunny- gani- koanai paei ; pei/ bag
* gulp/ food- gapka- kappuka
*506.poverty- garibi- kurai
*507.the womb- garbha – karu pei ; karu- embryo; pai- bag
*508.foetus/ embryo- garbha- karu ; karu appam .
509.pregnant- garbha- karu vura
510.pregnant- garbhavati –karu vundayida ; karu- embryo; undayida- to become.
511.pregnant- garbhini -kar vaana penn ; penn- woman ;karu vaana- with developing embryo .
512.neck- gal- kazhuththu
513.voice-gal- mukkal
*514.lane- gale- akalul
*515.flock/ herd- galla- kuzhu
*516.grain- galla- koolam
*517.bunch- gahal- kulai
518.region of gandhar- Gandhara- kanndiyur ; kundoor .
519.ewe- gadar- kidaari
520.cheek- gal- kavil
* perish- gal- kizhiya
522.chitchat- gitpit- kathai adi
*523.dwarf- gitta- kuttai
*524.counting-ginti- enniduka; letters are jumbled; kaniththidu . count-ginna- ennuka ; letters are in reversed order; kani ; kanakku .
*526.speech- gira- kooru/ tell; koorukai / saying.
*527.end of a garment- girah- karai
*528.mountain- giri- kar/ stone
*529.clay- gil- kali
*530.viscous/ slimy- gilgila- kuzha kuzha
531.a group- gut- koottam
532.lovely girl- guddi- kattaichchi
*533.quality/ virtue- gun –kunam be tattooed- gudna- pachchai kuththanum
*535.anus- guda- kutha oattai ; kutham- rectum; oaattai- opening.
*536.crossing/ river- gudara- kadaththar / crossing
*537.pellet- gulela- koali
*538.a ball- gulla- koalam
*539.short stick- gulli- kazhi /stick
540.bathing- gusl- kuli
*541. excrement- guh- kakka
*542.cave- guha- kukai
543. noise- hul- oli / sound
544. cry- hul- azhu
*545.bull/ ox/ cow- go- koa
546. terror/fright- haul- gili ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ’a’.
.leg- gor- kaar
*547.embrace -god - katti anai
548.cattle enclosure- gota- matatu kottakai ; maadu- cattle.
* got- kudi
* linage- gotra – koottaththar/ people of the group
*551.flock- gol- kuzhu
*552.lump- gol- kazhalai
553.a pill- goli- kulikai
*554.large globular earthen vessel- gola-kalan
555.meeting /assembly- gosthi – koottam
* gaur- akkarai
557.cowshed- gohal- koa illam; koa saalai ; koa- cow; illam- house.
*558.cry- gohar- karaiya
*559.sparrow- gauraiya- kuri ee
*560.cow herd- gvala- koa kaavalan ; kaavalan- protector.
561.small metal pot- ghanta- kundaan
*562.large water jar- ghat/ ghata- kudam
*563.a troop- ghata- koottam
*564.canopy/ palanquin- ghata- kudai
*565.death rattle/ from throat- gharra- ghar ghar
*566.snore- gharrata- kurattai
567.rumbling sound- gharghar- khara khara
568.small- ghaghra-kuru
569.damaging/destructive - ghatak- kedukka/ to destroy
*570.killing- ghatak- kaathuka
*571.lying in wait- ghati- kaaththu kida mix up- ghal- kuzhappu
*573.mixing- ghol- kala / to mix
574.jumble- ghal- kuzhappu ; kalaikka ; kalakka .
*575.murderous- ghalak- kolluka/ to kill
576.cluster- ghaud- koththu
577.wheel- cakr- kaar
*578.quickly/ suddenly - cat- sattu nnu
*579.quickly- catpat- sat put nnu
*580.sudden death- cat- sat nnu seththida; seththida- to die; letters are read more than once.
581.snap- catak- sodukku ; nodikka ; odikka .
582.loud- cataka- saththamaaka ; oaasai udaikai
583.upper thigh- cadda- thodai
584.underwear- caddi – siththaadai
585.flat- capta- pattai; sappatai .
*586.cause to go- calvena- sella vaenum ; sellu- go. who goes- calvaiya-seeluvoan
588.moon- camd- mathi summit- camd- mudi
*590.earthen vessel- cati- satti
591.shrewdness- caturi- thiramai
592.trick- cal- soozhchchi
593.cunning/ a trick- calaki-soozhchchiyaaka
594.thinking- cintak- enniduka
595.thinking- cintan- ennidu
596.letter/ note- citthi-settu; yaedu .
*597.vulva- cur- siri
*598.large coil of hair- cutta- sadai
*599.gathering- cunnat- saenthathu / gathered
600.small fragment -cunni-sinna yaethi ;yaethi- fragment; sinna- small.
* uchchi
602.blouse- coli –seelai/ cloth
603.little/ small- chut- sinnathu
*604.matted hair- jata- sadai
605.a man- jan- aan
606.birth- jani- sinai eenu ;eenu -to give birth; sinai- baby .
607.mother- jani – annai
608.time- zamana- mani zar- urai
610.youth- javan- sinnavan / little one
*611.adultery- jara-soaram combine- jutana-saeththidanum
*613.a join- jor- saeru/ to join
*614.adding- jorti- saerththidu
*615.addition- zyadati –saeththidu
* increase- zyada- yaeththu ;saeththidu.
617.alms-zakat- kodai
*618.wound-zakhm-kaayam beget- janna- eenu / to give birth;sinai eenu ;sinai- baby .
*620.mother- Janani- annai
621.midwife- janai- annai / mother
*622.paradise- Jannat –saen naadu zamin- munn
*624.a little of- zara- siriya
625.water- jal – aal jalp- sollu/ say
627.district- zila- pozhil
628.saddle- zin- saenam
629.pocket- jebi- pei
630.kinsman- jianti -inaththoan
631.jerk- jhatka- thidukkam
632.hairy- jhamura- mayir / hair
633.pubic hair- jhamt- mudi / hair
*634.a shower- jhari- soriya
635.anger- jhar- seera /fury be bent down – jhukna-kuni
637.fresh- tatka- puthithaaka
*638.screen- tatri- thirai
*639.woven- tatti- thaiththa
*640.shutter- tatti- adaiththidu /to shut
641.sound of dropping- tap – thoppu nu
*642.sound of a drum- tamtam- dum dum
* throb/ to shoot with pain- tahak- thudikka
*644.a kick- tahoka- uthaikka
*645.a light blow/ slap-tahoka- adikka/ to beat
*646.postponing-tal- thalli iduthal ; letters are read more than once. cause to stop /detain -tikana- thadukkanum ; adaikkanum . stay- tikna- thankku ; letters are jumbled.
*649.clacking of the tongue- tiktik- tak tak
*650.thrust- tilla- thallu
*651.a stump- tunda- thandu
*652.breaking- tut- udaiththidu/ to break; udainthida / breaking
* break- tuk- udaikka support- tek- thaankku support- tekna- thaankku ; letters are jumbled.
*656.obstruction- tok- thadukka /to obstruct
*657.stopper- topi- adaippu
*658.cold/ cool- thandha- thanuththa
*659.satisfied- thandha- thaninthida
*660.sound of knocking- thok- tak tak nnu thattuka; thattuka- to knock
*661.cheating- thagi- thettuka place- thamav- idam
* thik- oththathaaka
*664.earthenware water pot- thiliya- thaazhi
*665.beating- thukai- adikkai
*666.the chin- thuddi- thaadai
667.a kind of drum played with left hand along with tabla – root word is thapputhal / beating
*668.a knock- thes- idi; thattu. push- thelna- thallanum
*670.push- thel- thallu ; thalluthal ; idiththal .
671.tripping- thokar- thadukkuthar ; idaruku – letters are jumbled.
*672.a sting- dank- theenduka / to sting
673.punishment/fine- dand- thandanai
674.a step/ stride- dag- adi edukka/ take a step; adi- foot; edukka- take.
*675.stalk/ stem - dandi- thandu
*676.staff/pole- danda- thandam dabba- petti; letters are in reversed order.
*678.small drum- damuru –thoa maram
679.deceive- dakha- yaemaaththuka ; yaeiththiduka . attack by robbers- daka- odukku/ rob proclaim by beating the room- dug dugi udukkai thattuka; udukkai- drum; thattuka- to beat.
682.small boat- doni- thoani
*683.rocking- dol- aattuthal
684.large drum- dhakka- udukkai
*685.a push- dhaka- idikkai
*686.pouring out- dhalai- uooththuthal
687.bold- dhith- thidam
*688.loose/ flabby- dhila- thola thola
*689.husband- dhola- thozhan
*690.friend- dholan- thozhan
*691.the body- dhola- udal
692.large drum-dhol- root word is adiththal / beating stare- takna- uththu kaana
*694.stitching-together - tagai- theikka / to stitch
695.cause to be stitched together-tagana-theikkanum /to stitch
*696.sound of tearing – tar- dar
*697.solitary/ lonely/alone – tanha- thaniya
*698.daughter- tanaya- thanaiyei
*699.son-tanay- thanaiyan
700.throb- tapak- thudikka
701.small drum- tabla- root word is thapputhal / beat
702.completed- tamam- mudiya/ to complete; letters are in reversed order.
703.complete /entire- tamam- moththamum; letters are in reversed order.
704.wave- tarang-tharankkam
*705.bottom- tala- adiyil
*706. bottom of the foot- tala- adi thole; adi- foot; thole- skin.
*707. pond- talai- thollam
*708. floor/ of the building - talla –thalam
*709.a layer- tah- yaedu
710.fresh- taza- puthusu
711.father- tat- thanthai
712.lotus/red - tamaras –thamarai
*713.copper- tamr- thamiram tara- thee uru ; thee- fire; uru- form ; thee- fire .
*715.clapping the hands- tali- thattuthal
*716.clapping the hands- tada- thattu
* be locked- tala- adaiththal break in to a house- tala- udaiththal
*719.pot belly- tund- thonthi
*720.potbellied- tundil- thonthi ulla
*721.stammering- tutlai- thattuthal
*722.causing to be broken – turai- udaithar
*723.equal /similar- tulya – oththu ulla
*724.similarity- tulyata-oththu ullathu
*725.getting weighed- tulai –edai iduthal ;edai- weight; letters are read more than once. .
*726.parrot- tuti /tota – thaththai
727.mature- taiyar- muththuthar
728.produce- taiyar- padaiththar ; thayari.
729.prepare- taiyar- seithar
*730. breaking- tor- udaithar
731.water- toy- thanni
*732.a towel- tauliya- thuyil
*734.shaking- thar thar –athiruthar
*735.a slap- thappar- thapputhar
* beat a drum- thap- thappu
737.slap- thap- thappu
*738.bottom- thah –adi
*739.pillar- thuni – thoon
*740.sound of spitting/ shame- thu – thoo thoo
741.rhythmical beating of time with foot -thei thei- adi edu; adi- foot; edu- take.
742.tusk- dant- thantham
*743.sentenced/ punished- dandit –thandiththidu
744.punishing- dundan –thandanai
*745.south- dakkini- thekku
746.paternal grandfather- dadiya-thanthai yin thaaththa ; thanthai- father; thaaththa- grandfather.
747.paternal grandfather’s house- dadihal- thanthai yin thaatha udaiya il ; thanthai- father; thaaththa- grandfather ; il- house.
*748.swelling- dadora- thadiththar
*749.adoptive -dattaki- thaththu edukka
750.given- datt-thanthida
*751.large tambourine without cymbals- dapu- thappu
752.door- dar- thirappu
753.hole- dar- thirappu
754.poor- dari dra – thiru indri; thiru- wealth; indri- without.
*755.sea/ river- dariya- thirai
* achieve the impossible – dariya- adaithar / to attain
757.position/ rank- darja- tharam
* fell distress- dard –thuyar adaiya ;thuyar- distress; adaiya- to have.
759.sight- dars- thiriya/ visible
* dalal- idai all / middle man; idai- middle; aal- person.
*761.leaf- dal- thazhai
*762.petal- dal- ithazh
*763.thick- dal- thadiththu ulla
764.ten- dah- paththu
765.burning- dehak- thee iduka/ to burn; thee- fire.
*766.shaking- dahal- aaduthal
767.wet nurse- dai- thathi ; uoottu thaai ; uoottu- fed; thaai- mother.
* burn- dadh-thee idu; thee- fire.
*769.grain- dana- thinai/ millet/ grain
* be given- day- thaa /give
*771.direction- dik- thikku
*772.river bank-diyara- thurai /ford
773.divinity- divyata- theiva thanmai ; theivam- god; thanmai- nature.
774.afflicted by grief- duhkhit –thukkam adaiya
775.sad/ grief- dukhi- thukkam
*776.bad time- dukal- theeya kaalam ;theeya- bad; kaalam- time.
*777.driving away/ by saying dut - dutta- oaattidu
* duniya- thinai
*779.distant/ remote - dur- ettaththir
780.god- devata- thee vadivu /fire form theivam; thee vadivu; letters are read more than once; letters are jumbled; thee- fire; vadivu- form
*782.demon- dev-theeyavan/ bad person; theeya- bad.
*783.torch- teveti- thee vatti
*784.goddess- devni- theiva annai ;annai- mother; theiva- divine .
*785.body- deh- thadi
*786.mother- daiya- thaai
*787.cradle- dola- thottil ; thooli .
788.fault- dos – thappu des- thinai
*790.running- daur- oaaduthar
* run- dha- oaadu
* strike- dhakka- thaakku
*793.impact- dhakka- thaakkam
*794.pushing and shoving -dhakka- idikka / to push
* beat fast/ heart/ palpitation - dhak dhak- takku takk nnu thudikka
*796.body- dhar- udar knock at- dhar- thattuthar ;idiththar .
* weigh- dhara- edai iduthar; edai- weight; letters are read more than once.
*799.vice- dhat- theethu
*800.act of driving away- dhata- oaattidu
*801.loud sound- dham- dum
802.wearing- dhar- uduththuthar
* dhar- tharai
*804.placing- dharai –iduthar
*805.assault- dhar- adiththar
806.a swing- dhaga- aaduka/ to swing
*807.flow- dhar- oaaduthar
* sharpen- dhar- theettuthar
* away- dhavit- oaadi vida ; oadu- run .
*810.river- dhuni- thanni /water
*811. shaken- dhut- aadida
* -dhenu – thinai
813.deceit- dhoka- yaeththiduka
814.nail- nakh – nakam
815.reed- nar- naanar
816.reed- nal- naanal
817.gain- nafa- payan; letters are in reversed order. nar- oru aan ; letters are in reversed order; oru- one; aan- man . pipe- nali/ nala – naalaa
820.drama- natika- naatakam
821.master/ husband- nath- aandai /ruler
822.bread- nan- uoon / food
823.maternal grandmother- nani- annai yin annai / mother’s mother; annai- mother.
824.woman- nari- naari
825.water channel- nala- nalaa
826.boat-nav- naavaai
827.bamboo- nigali- moonkkil
828.look/ glance- nigah- noakku
829.resting place- nilai –nilaiyam
830.water- nir- neer
831.cooked- pakka- aakku / to cook cook- pakana- aakkanum
833.ripeness- pakai- kaniya
834.side- paks- pakkam
835.cloth/ garment—pat- patti ; padaam ; puttam .
*836.flat- pat- pattai
837.document- pat- yaedu ; patta; pattayam .
* close the door- pat- poottu beat/ as rain – patpatana – pata pata ena
840.strip - pati- pattai
*841.village/ town- patt- patti
*842.woven silk- patt –pattu
843.headman of the village- pattikila- patti kizhan ; patti- village; kizhaan- leader.
*844.flat bottomed boat- patella- pathalai ; pattai yaai adi ulla punai ; pattai-= flat; punai- boat; adi- bottom; ulla- has.
*845.deed- patta- patta
*846.strap- patta –patti
847.ear ring- patta- thoadu
*848.blade- patta- patta
*849.division of cultivable land into stripes- patta- paaththi
850.reader- pathak -padikka/ to read
* be read- pathya- padiththidu
* pathit- padiththidu
*853.examining/ review/check/ to test - partal- paarththal
854.vulva- patna- pundai ; letters are jumbled.
855.wife- patni- pondaatti; letters are jumbled.
856.track- pata- adi thadam ; paattai .; paathai .
*857.port city- pattan- pattinam
858.foot- pad- paatham; adi.
*859.poetry- padya- paattu /song
*860.small rowing boat- pan- punai
861.journey- payanak- payanikka/ to travel; payanam- travel.
*862.foreign- par- purani ; pura .
863.a wall around a town – par kota- koattai puram ; koattai-fort ; puram- town .
*864.inspection/ test- parakh/pariksa- paarkka
865.paternal great grandfather-pardada- thanthai yin /thaathai yin /aththaa vin periya thaaththa ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once ;thanthai- father; periya- big/ great ;thaaththa- grandfather.
866.paternal great grandmother- pardadi- thathai yin periya paatti / aaththaa ;thathai- aththa/ father; periya- grand; paatti- grandmother.
867.maternal great grandfather -parnana -annai yin periya mooppan ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once; annai- mother; periya – great; mooppan- elder.
868.maternal great grandmother -parnani –annai yin periya naani ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once; annai- mother; naani- annai yin annai / maternal grandmother .
869.great granddaughter- par poti – periya peyarththi ; letters are jumbled; periya- great; peyarththi- granddaughter.
870.great grandson- parpota- peyar udaiya periya paeran ; letters are jumbled; periya- big; paeran- grandson; peyar - name; udaiya- has .
* flee- para- para/ fly
872.later- par- appuram; pinnaar.
873.highest- param- perum uyaram ;perum- great; uyaram- height.
875.bird- parinda- parantha/ flown
876.a story incorporated in another -pari katha- pura kathai ; kathai- story ;pura- sub .
877.called/ named- pari kyat- peyarai koovidu ; peyar- name; koovidu- call.
878.fairy e- pari- paei uru ; paei- ghost; uru- form.
879.pure state/ quite cleansed - pari suddh- periya thooimai ; periya- great ;thooimai- cleanliness / purity.
880.beyond- pare- appaar
881.dove- parevu- puraa pollute- palid- puzhithi adaiya lizard- palli- palli
884.clothes- phanai –punai
885.rock- phar- paarai
886.faeces-pa- pei
887.syrup- pag-- paaku
888.side- pakha- pakkam study- path- padi ; root word is oaathu /recite
890.lesson- path- paadam
891.text book-pathya- paada yaedu; yaedu- book; paadam- lesson .
892.quarter of a stanza- pad- paththi
893.breaking wind- pad- poaida/ passed
*894.far side- par- appuram
*895.father-papa- appa
*896.a ball- pind- panthu
897.ball of meal- pind- undai
898.become pregnant- pind- undaayida
899.father- pita-peththa thanthai ; peththa- begotten ;thanthai- father.
900.paternal grandfather- pitamah- [ pitha makan] - thanthai yaei peththa / padaiththa mooththa thakappan ; letters are jumbled; thanthai- father; peththa- begot ;thakappan- father; padaiththa- created; mooththa- elder .
901.paternal grandmother- pitamahi- [ pitha maka ] thanthai yaei peththa / padaiththa mooththa movu-vai / father’s mother; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once; thanthai- father; movu-vai mother; ka= va; va- ka ; peththa- begot; mooththa- elder .
*902.bile -pitt – piththam
903.dear- piya- anpae
*904.venerable old man- pir- periyoar
*905.rump- puttha- puttam; root word is pudaiththa/ bulging
*906.large village-pura- puram
907.bridge- pul –paalam separate- prthak- priththiduka
* peti- petti
*910.small box- petika- pettakam
911.belly- peta- iduppu; letters are in reversed order; idai/ waist.
912.belt- peti- iduppu pattai; pattai- strip; ottiyaanam / for female
913.take of the belt- peti- iduppu pattai yaei edu; letters are read more than once; edu- take off.
914.having a stomach- petu- paththu/ stomach; soaththu pei / rice bag ; letters are jumbled ; saatham - cooked rice/ food; paei- bag .
915.walking on foot- paidal – nadai poaduthal
*916.produced- paida- padaiththathu
*917.create- paida- padai
918.born- paida- peththidu /to beget
*919.bundle- pot- pothi
*920.young of an animal/young children - pota- podi ; podisu .
*921.gate of the town- pol- puzhai
922.displayed/ revealed- pra katata- piriththu kaattu; letters are jumbled; piri- open; kaattu- show.
923.loud sound- pra nad- periya naatham; periya- big; naatham- sound.
924.obstacle- pratyuh- periya thadai; periya- big; thadai- obstacle.
925.first/ primary- pratham – muthar ; letters are in reversed order.
*926.famous- prathit- periya paeru udaiya ; periya- big; paeru- name; udaiya- has.
927.made wide and broad- prathit- parantha
*928.splitting- pra dar- pirithar
929.province- pra desh- periya thinai; periya naadu ;periya- big; thinai- land; naadu- state .
930.fault/ sin- pra dos- periya thappu ; periya- big; thappu- fault.
*931.chief/ leader- pra muk-peru makan ; peru- great
932.disaster/dissolution of the world at the end of kalpa- pra lay- perum uoozhi ; perum- big; uoozhi- deluge .
*933.chief/ important personage- pra var- periyavar /elder
934.technique- pra vidhi- puriyim viththai -puriya- to do; viththai- technique .
935.hero- pra vir- poar veerar / warrior ; poar- war ;veerar- warrior ; perum verar ; perum- great.
936.fame / glory- pra samsa- perum uchcham ; perum- grat ;uchcham- fame.
937.province- prant- perunthinai ; p.eriya- big; thinai/ duniya- area/land /state. creature- pirani- uyir inam
939.looking at- preksa- paarkka prem- eeram
*941.grown up/ adult- parudha- perithaayida
*942.sifting/ winnowing- phatkan- pudaikkanum /to sift be torn- phatna- peintha ; letters are jumbled.
944.division- fariq- pirivu; ka= va; va= ka.
*945.board- phalak –palakai
*946.blade of a sword- phal- pal
947.gain- pha- payan
*948.production of results- phalna - palan
949.door- phalsa- puzhai / opening/ gate
950.having produced fruit- phalit- pazhuththathu/ripen ; pazham ullathu; ullathu- has; pazham- fruit.
*951.having fruit- phali- pazham ulla; pazham- fruit; ulla- has.
952.benefit- fayda- payan udaiya; udaiya- has; payan- use.
*953.split- phar- piriya
*954.split of – phal- pila
955.suitable/ fitting- phit- oththa
*956.separation- firaq- pirikai
957.single/ solitary/ lone - phuttail- oththai yil
958.boy’s penis- phunni- sunni
*959.bursting open- phut- pottida act- fel- seyal
*961.eruption on the skin- phora- pori
*962.tied/ bound- band- pinaiththidu/ bind
*963.tie- bandh –pinaiththidu
964.a goat- bakri- karumai
* go- bag – poaka
966.armpit- bagl- kai kuzhi ;akkul; ka- arm; kuzhi- pit.
967.large/ big /elder - barka- - perisaaka
*968.big- bara- periya
*969.great- bara- periya
*970.senior- bara- periyoar
*971.increase- barhat- perukida ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*972.increase – barhav- perukkavae
*973.increasing- barhai – peruka
*974.swelling caused by wind or liquid- batauri – pudaiththar /to swell
*975.decoration- banak- punaika
* be made- banna – pannu/ make
* decorate- banav- punaivu
978.synthetic-banavti- panniyathu banij- panniyam
*980.merchant- baniya- panniyan
*981.wind/ storm-bayari- puyar
982.blessing/ abundance- barkat- perukida
*983.rope- barha/ barra- puri
984.sister/ term addressed to woman- bahna- pennae
*985.outside- bahir- puram
*986.sea- bahr- paari; parappu; paru ; paeru .
*987.weaving- banu-pinnu/ knit
*988.child- bal- pillai
989.a girl- bala-penn pillai ; penn- female; pillai- child.
990.daughter- bitiya- peththa penn ; peththa- beget pottai /female
991.son- beta- peththa aan ;aan- male; peththidu- to beget.
*992.of mature age/to reach adolescence- - balig- aalaka
*993.taking leave /to die - bida- poaeida
*994.bedding- bistar – paduththar/ lying down; paai iduthar; paai- mat; iduthar- make.
* plait- bunna- pinnu
996.elder sister- bubu – paappa
*997.piercing- bedh- poththida
*998.piercing- bedhak- poththiduka
*999.body- boti- pothi ; puthai .
1000.billy goat- botu- aadu/ sheep
1001.young camel- botu –ottai / camel; podi ottai‘; podi /small/ young.
1002.speech- bol - sollu
1003.sound- bol – oli
1004.language- bol – sollu
*1005.divided- bhakt- pakuththathu
*1006.division- bhakti – pakuthi
*1007.sharing- bhagi- paku
1008.share/ divide - bhag- pankku
* angle- bhag- paakai
1010.human skull- bagal- enpu kalam; enpu- bone; kalm- vessel.
*1011.war-bharath -poar idu/ to wage a war; poar- war.
*1012.speaking- bhasi- paesu /speak
*1013.spoken- bhasit- pasiyathu
*1014.speech- bhasa- paechchu
*1015. fear- bhiti- peethi
* bhuvi- puvi bhu- punn
1018.hungry- bhukka- pasikka
*1019.kettle drum- bheri – parai/ a kind of drum.
1020.stupid - bhomta- moodan
*1021.stupid- mandu- mandu; mathi eenan / letters are jumbled.
1022.slow / sluggish- mand- mantham
*1023. precious stone- mani- mani
1024.title of goddess Parvathi- Mangala- Kaali Amman; letters are jumbled.
1025.glad event / marriage - mangal- mana vizha; ka= va; va= ka.
1026.planet Mars- mangal- sem munn koal ; sem munn- red soil ; semmai- red; munn- soil ; koal- planet .
1027.Tuesday- mangal- sem munn kolaukkaana kizhamai ; kizhami-0 day ; koal- planet ; sem munn- red soil.
*1028.pitcher- mangal- munn kalam /earthen vessel; munn- soil; kalam- vessel.
1029.marriage thread worn by bride- mangal- mana kazhi/ mana kaazh ; manam- marriage ; kazhi/ kaazh - thread ; mangal- mana koala nool / ani kalan / mana naal nool / ani kalan ; mana vizha ani kalan ; manam- marriage; vbizha- celebration; koalam- appearance; naal- day ;ani kalan- ornament; nool- thread; letters are read more than once.
1030.maize- makaa- makkaa cholam
*1031.a small mug- matakna- mat kinni
*1032.mud house- matkotha- mat kudi ; kudi- house; mann- caly .
1033.earthen pot- matki- matkudam ; letters are read more than once.
1034.clay soil- matiyar- mat tharai/ clay floor; tharai- floor.
1035.mind- mathi- manathu
1036.churning stick- mathni – maththu madad- muttu thaa /to support; muttu- support; thaa- give.
*1038.mind- man- manam
*1039.dying /death- mar- maraiya / disappear
*1040.death- marg- maraika /to disappear; maraika becomes maerkku west. of the southern end of western ghats – malay –malai / mountain; Malabar= malai puram.
*1042.jasmine- mallika-mallikai
*1043.wrestler- mall- mallan
* masi –maei
*1045.mother- mahtari- maa thiru
1046.woman- mahila- penn makal
*1047. bud - malati- mulaiththida
mother- mam- amma
*1048.mother- mata- moo thaai/ great mother; thaai- mother.
*1049.maternal uncle- mama- maama; maaman .
* die- mati – madi
1051.body /dead body- mati- muttai / body ; mattai- dead body .
*1052.kind of drum- madal- maththalam; root word is moththuthal/ to beat.
*1053.honour/ respect/ pride- man- maanam
*1054.honour/ respect- manit- maanam udaiya; maanam- respect; udaiya- has.
1055.moon light- malati- mathi oli ; letters are jumbled; mathi- moon; oli- ligh t; maalai mathai /evening moon; letters are jumbled; maalai- evening; mathi- moon.
*1056.bud - malati- mulaiththida
*1057.a kiss- mitthi/ mittha- - muththam
1058.leader/ chief- mir- mannar / king
*1059.a fish/ Pisces - min – meen
1060.tall tower-minar- maanam uyara ; maanam- sky; uyara- raise .
1061.shaven head- mund- mottai mandai ; letters are read more than once; mottai- tonsure; mandai- head.
* mukut- makudam ; root word is mukadu- peak.
*1063.bud/ blossom- mukul – mukulam; mukizh.
*1064.face- mukh- mukam
*1065.front- mukh-mukappu
1066.moustached- muchandar- meesai undaathar / growth of moustache; meesi- moustache; undaathar- developing.
*1067.fist- muth/ mutthi—mutti
1068.want to urinate- mutas- mutta / protruding/ bladder
1069.good fortune- mu baraki- perukkam ; letters are jumbled.
*1070.saint- muni- muni
* be broken/ snapped- murak- murikka
*1072.twist- murak-murukku
*1073.shutting/ fastening- mumd- moodu
1074.bundle- mutha- moottai
*1075.root/ original/ origin - mul –mulai
*1076.original language- mol- moola mozhi ; moolam/ original; mozhi- language ; letters are read more than once.
*1076.radish- mulak- mullankki
*1077.corner- mula- moolai
1078.dead- mrt/ mrytu- maraintha / disappear
*1079.stomach- meda- moadu
*1080.intelligence- medha- mathi megh- mukizh
1082.fine flour- maida- idiththa maa ; idaiththa- pounded; maa- flour; letters are in reversed order.
*1083.inferior in quality- mota- mattam
1084.thick- mota- moththamaa ;thadimai ; letters are in reversed order.
*1085.stupid- mota- madamai
*1086.pearls- motiya/ moti – muththu
*1087.pearl of speech – moti- muththu muththaa
*1088.tears-moti- muththu- tear drops /allegory
1089.peacock- mor- mayil ; la= Ra; Ra= la.
*1090.enchanting- mohak- mayakka
*1091.silent- maun- ‘umm’ ena
*1092.fame- yas- uchcham
*1093.combined/ joined/ united- yukt- koottiya
1094.fight- yuddh- adu
*1095.joined- yojit- saeththidu/ to join
1096.protecting- raksak- uyir kaaka ;uyir- life; kaaka- to protect .
1097.rejected- radd- maruththida
1098.chariot- rath – thaer; letters are in reversed order.
1099.juice- ras- saaru; letters are in reversed order.
*1100.divine mercy- rahmat- erakkam udaiya ; letter ‘h’ is read ad ‘k’ ;erakkam- mercy.
1101.merciful- Rahman- erukkamaana
*1102.king- raj- arasan
*1103.kingdom- raj- arasu
1104.title of king- rana- arasan ; raayan .
*1105.night- rati- eruttu/ dark
1106.form- rup- uru
*1107.risen- rurh- yaeru
*1108.mounted- rurh-yaeru
*1108.soul- ruh- uyir
1109.body hair/ animal hair/ wool- royam- mayir; letters are in reversed order. latth- neela thadi ; neelam- long; thadi- stick
*1111.not/ without- la- illai
*1112.killing- vadh- vathai; kaathu; ka= va; va= ka.
*1113.rolled- varit- uruttu /to roll
*1114.bracelet- valay- valayal
*1115.encircled- valayit- valaiththidu / to encircle.
1116.curved- valit- valaintha
* vahati- voadai
*1118.river channel- vadi- voadai/ stream
*1119.speech- vak- vaakku
*1120.heir- varis- vuriyoar / those who has the rights.
*1121.farewell- vidai- vidai thaa
* break/ heart- vidar- udaithar / breaking
*1123.knowledge- vidya- viththai ; root word is viththu / vithai .
* pierce- vidha- voattai idu /to makea hole; voattai- hole; idu- make .
1125.learned- vidvan- viththai udaiyoan ; udaiyoan- one who has.
*1126.form/ type-vidha-vadivam ; vitham.
*1127.manner/ method / rule / law- vidhi- vithi
*1128.remover of obstacles- Vinayak- vinai neekki ;neekku- remove; vinai- action .
1129.road- vidhi- veethi ; Kadavu; ka= va; va= ka.
1130.brave- vir- veeru
*1131.courage-virata- veeru udaiya ; udaiya- has .
1132.success- uruddhi- vettri; letters are jumbled.
*1133.increased- uruddhi- yaerida
*1134.speed- veg- vaekam
*1135.piercing /for wearing jewels- - vedhak- voattai iduka/ to make hole; voattai- hole; iduka- make.
*1136.pain-vedena- vaethanai
*1137.time/ period- vela- vaelai omen- sagun- kanippu
1139.astrologer- saguniya-kaniyan
1140.enemy-satru –ethiri
1141.a song- sabd- paattu
1142.lying down/ sleeping - sayan- saayanum/ to repose
1143.body- sarir- uru /alcohol- sarab- saarayam; root word is saaru/ juice.
*1145.urban/ municipal/ town -sahri- saeri vegetables- sak- pachchai- k-kaai ; pachchai- green; kaai- vegetable.
1147.a poet/ poetry - sayr- seer/ metre in poetry
1148.leopard- sardul- siruththai puli
*1149.shawl- sal- seelai
*1150.type of rice – sal- sal / paddy
*1151.body of language-/ scriptures -sastra- sooththiram
1152.versed in sastra- satri- sooththiran
1153.complaint- sakayat –kuththam
*1154.crest- sikhand- kondai
*1155.peak/ summit- sikhar- sikaram; kari uchchi ; letters are jumbled; kar- mountain/tone; uchchi- top.
*1156.penis- sisn- sunni ; sisunam .
1157.infant- sisu- saei
1158.milk- sir- surappu /secretion
*1159.juice- sira- saaru
1160.pure- suddh- thooimai
1161.devi/ evil person - seitan- theeyoan
1162.mourning- soki –soakam
1163.piercing- saukat- kuththu
1164.dark/ black- syam- mai
*1165.prosperity /wealth- sri- seer
1166.coming together/ joining – sang- onnaaku / to become one
*1167.counting- sankhya-ennuka sangat- onnaa koodiya koottam ; onna- together; koodiya- assembled; koottam- group
1169.sexual intercourse- san gat- onnaa koodu ; onna- together; koodu- to join.
1170.come together/ joining together- san gat- onnaakidu / to become one.
1171.friend- sani gatiya- onnaa koodiyoan
1172.drama/ song with music/ dancing- san git- kathai paattu paadi kooththaadi nadikka ; letters are jumbled; kathai- story ; paattu- song; paadu- sing; kooththaadu- to dance; nadikka- to act.
*1173.union- sandhi- saenthidu / to join; onnaayidu /to become one.
*1174.evening- sandhi- santhi; root word is santhippu / meeting.
1175.established doctrine- sam pra day- maarpu padi ; letters are jumbled. join/ connect- sam bandh –pinaiththidanum / to bind; letters are jumbled.
1177.region- sam bhag-paakkam; letters are jumbled.
1178.doubting- sam sayalu-iyam ulla ; iyam- doubt ; ulla- has.
1179.bad/ vile- sa kat- kettathu
1180.distress- saket- kaedu
1181.early morning- sa kal- kizhakku velukkum kaalai vaelai ; ka= va; va= ka; kizhakku- east; velukka- to become white; vaelai- time; kaalai- morning .
1182.belonging to the same family – sa kul – kulam onnae ; kulam- family; onnae- one.
1183.violence/ severity - sakhti ; kadumai; kodiya .
1184.hard/ stiff/ strong - sakht- ketti/ kaattam
*1185.grievous- sakht- soakththoadu
1186.difficult- sakht-kadinam
1187.of the same gotra- sa gotra- oththa koottaththaar; oththa- similar; letters are read more than once; koottaththaar- group of people. join together- satna- saethidanum/ to join; saenthidu /to join; letters are jumbled. satti- santhai
1190.pillar- satun- thoon
*1191.destroyed- satura- saetham ura
1192.sound- sada- saththam; oaasai udaiya ;oaasai- sound; udaiya- has.
* be made- sadhna- seithidanum
1194.fruitful -sa phal –pazham unripe - sabez- pachchai /green
1196.time- samay- mani
1197.lake/ pool- sar – yaeri
1198.Goddess of language- sarasvati - urai yaadu / to speak.
1199.river- saravati- neer voadai ;neer- water; voadai- stream .
1200.whole/ entire- sarv- aravae / entire/ leaving nothing /wellbeing-/ health – salamati—nalamoadu / with health; nalam- helath; udaiya- has.
*1202.frightful / to be feared- sahm- achcham
*1203.sound- sahi- oaasai
1204.breathing- sams- moochchu
1205.master/ lord- saim – yesamaan
1206.before/ Infront- samne- munnai
*1207.essence/ substance- sar – saaru
*1208.river- Sindhu- sinthu/ drop/ sprinkle
1209.Sinhalese language- simhali- mozhi
1210.blowing the nose- sinak- sinthuka
* sleep- sukh- saaika / repose make dry- sukhana –kaayanum /to become dry
1213.carpenter- suder- thachchar; letters are jumbled.
*1214.needle- sui- uoosi
1215.thread/ cord /string- sutra- saradu ; letters are jumbled.
1216.prosperous merchant- seth- Chetti/ trader /trading community; yetti ; Saettu . sainya -ani
1218.spring- sota- uooththu thalam thinai
1221.level/ grade- star- tharam
*1222.tasted- svadit- suvaiththathu /tasted
*1223.tasty- svadak- suvaiththiduka/ to taste
*1224.tasty-svadal- suvaiththal/ tasting hatti- kadai ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ .
*1226.plough- har- yaeru
*1227.ploughing- harai- yaeru
*1228.ploughing- harati- yaeru oaattu where ploughing is done- haratar- yaeru oattuthar /to plough
*1230.plough- hal- uzhu
*1231.killed- halak- azhikka
*1232.yes- ham- aam cry- hav- koova
1234.hiccup- hikka- vikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
1235.smoking tobacco through water- huqqa –pukaikka /to smoke